This Blog features the musings of Dennis Sidney Martin; Poet, Playwright and Novelist from Baltimore, Maryland. Feel free to browse the content and leave your comments.
You didn’t surprise anyone. We gazed with watchful trepidation As you brewed and churned In deep blue waters far from shores of island nations. Growing stronger with each hour. Moving slowly, building forces Far beyond our petty powers to control, We pay the toll As you begin your path of torture. I cower in anticipation, See the first drops pelt my windows, Feel the building strength of winds That drive the deluge to my doorstep, Saps the power from my veins With seemingly relentless power, Wondering when it will end, Filled with dread, Drained of will, Spent and left to feel so small.
Lulu Storefront:
Tuck me in and say goodnight, Now the day, at last, is done. A gentle kiss upon my cheek Says everything will be alright, Helps me sleep straight through the night, Keeps the monsters from my closet Once you’ve turned off all the lights.
Gentle dreams are sure to follow In a new world far away Where daffodils play on the hill With Mother Goose, Jack and Jill, And all the king’s horses find their gait As they primp and prance about at will.
And I have thoughts of being big, I do what I see grownups do. In ever-so simplistic ways I banter through their hectic day To recreate the fantasy Til morning’s light comes into play.
Lulu Storefront:
Do you wake up every morning Looking forward to the day?
Are you happy? Does the smell of coffee brewing Put a faint and hopeful grin upon your face? Are the dreams that you dreamed yesterday Still living in your heart Like a sweet desire that cannot be replaced?
There are questions to be answered And tasks to be completed in the offing. Priorities to order And people to be greeted on the way. But this grownup world you’re living in Shouldn’t kill the child who dwells within your body, And you owe it to yourself to always Set aside some time to simply play.
So I ask again, quite honestly. It’s a simple question, Really… Are you happy?