This Blog features the musings of Dennis Sidney Martin; Poet, Playwright and Novelist from Baltimore, Maryland. Feel free to browse the content and leave your comments.
Lighter than freedom on feathery ferns Dancing on tiptoes in bright balmy breezes, Higher than hilltops on heavenly highways, Her mountains, her valleys Both filled with delight.
Bid me go forward, Offer me comfort, Fill me with confidence Else I should stumble. Lift up the veil, Place a kiss on my forehead Making me blush… Keeping me humble.
Younger than springtime, Older than winter, Longer than always and Sweeter than wine, Hope floods my heart with The laughter of sunshine Leaving all doubt, Every sorrow behind.
I’ve been stuffing my cranium Six decades plus with The knowledge and wisdom Of memory’s keep. So often my mind wants To burst at the seams, Yet always finds room For the new and unique.
Dreams of my youth May have vanished in vapors Or merely transitioned To fit circumstance, As whispers of time Cried out new direction And chance took my hand And bade me to dance.
Whatever the course, I pray Let it continue to Grow and spread light So that others might see. And when Fate finally calls I’ll leave something behind, If only a wrinkle In their memory.
Autumn and I are fast frequent friends With memories mixed with the colors of rainbows. We’ve weathered the storms, Survived the transitions, Sharing the anguish and bliss on the way. Many a time have I witnessed her change, The spinning of lush fervent green into gold, The transfer from swelter to fresh fragrant foliage, The crisp, clear allure her aura endows. Who holds her miracle? Who might explain How the muse of the seasons so often inspire? I stand in awe clinging fast to her bosom Praying this slow dance might go on forever. Heaven but knows how many more seasons Await down the road before fate seals my end, But Autumn and I will go on forever, Here and hereafter, My steadfast friend.