Friday, October 04, 2024


Mix and match in hopeless hodgepodge,

Sight and source as yet unknown.

Blended bites, so eclectic,

Puzzle pieces don’t connect.


Must use high imagination

Linking up the scattered dots

To form a shape so unfamiliar

No one feels the full effect.


Riding winds of wanderlust to

Wild exotic wonderlands,

Seek the secrets of the ages

Though they may not match your dreams.


Widely scattered, wildly different,

Children of diversity.

Nothing matches,

Nothing matters,

Nothing is quite as it seems.


Thursday, October 03, 2024


Where were you when the fight broke out?

Under a table?

Out on the edge?

I was flat-footed, smack dab in the middle,

Caught in the melee,

Stuck on a ledge.


Tried to play peacemaker. Nobody listened.

Tried to back out but

The exit was blocked.

Vainly attempted to punch my way clear.

Only succeeded in

Getting cold-cocked.


I don’t remember just how it all ended

Since I was unconscious,

Senses askew.

No one would even say how it all started.

I was blind-sided.

Were you?


Wednesday, October 02, 2024


Picture, if you dare, every

Memory you had today,

Capsulate the fragments into

Micro-mini retrospect.

Paste the pieces in a jumble

Overlapping, intersecting,

Introspecting to a point of peace

Reflecting yesterday.


Is it odd?

This sanctuary no one else can understand.

Only you can tell its glory,

Only you can touch its flesh.

Flashcards of imagination

Reach across an empty room

To hand you salty memories

Never to be swept away.


Tuesday, October 01, 2024


Standing watch… No fear,

No trepidation for the passing years.

Could not stop them anyway,

Would not even if I could.


Weary and yet satisfied,

Sliding into destinies to

Meet the gloaming eye to eye,

Riding high on memories.


Seems like only yesterday when

Nimble youth was much engaged.

How delightful are the smiles

That greet me as I reminisce.


Happy to have come this far,

Hopeful to go farther still.

Helpful the experience

Accumulated on the way.


Now that twilight dips its head

To touch the tops of tireless trees

I lift up a silent prayer,

Thankful for the gifts received.