Sunday, January 21, 2018


"Gee" to the right and
"Haw" to the left.
Father's voice rang with those
Simple commands.
"Giddy-up" go and
"Whoa! mule" to stop
Was all the old Dobbin could understand
Of the English language,
Though I'm quite sure
It was much more than he
Ever wanted to know.
He would have been more
Contented for sure
Just to roam in the pastures
Where wild clover grows.
But striding along with Dad
Traveling behind,
Plough shear between them
Tumbling the earth,
Tilling the soil for the
Planting of seed
Vaguely aware what his labor was worth.
Stalwartly, trodding, plodding along;
An acre behind; and acre to go.
"Gee" to the right and "Haw" to the left;
Minutes to hours; row after row.

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