Monday, April 16, 2018


Nature feeding nature in a mutual fulfillment...
Slaving one another's tasks to a point of near psychosis.
Learning how to nurture one another in the process...
Finding how to live and love and cope through symbiosis.

The river cuts an ugly swath in running to the ocean.
It scars the land with barriers, creating territory.
And yet it feeds and nurtures with it's ever giving waters,
Creating life so varied and too vast for inventory.

The hollowed tree is dying; little left in it's hurrah.
Once mighty, tall and sheltering, it stands a lonely shell.
But to Mr. Owl it's home and hearth; a place to raise a family.
His high-rise condo in the wood; it seems to suit him well.

And what of man and earth? Are we so bold as to assume
That all is well in our relations?
Can it be we're so neurotic?
Man's relationship to everything needs take a different turn.
To save him from himself, man / earth must be symbiotic.

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