Sunday, September 30, 2018

Major League

You’re in the bigs now, Kido
No time to think about past mistakes.
Vague inexperience abdicates
In favor of finely-honed skills.
You’ll need to step up your game now.
Here it’s a business, not simply play.
Vested investors aren’t going to pay
If you’re not providing their everyday thrills.
Seasons grow long, the travel grueling.
Losing your focus a major concern.
Always something new to be learned
From those who have passed here before.
Seeking laudation, thunderous applause.
Climbing to fever pitch, tension avails
Until one side prevails, the other side fails.
Opportunity opens or closes the door.
Here where only the best will succeed,
Riding the crest of the major league.

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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Cruising the Tropics

Gentle melancholy breezes trip along
Your sea shelled beaches,
Hopping island unto island,
Touching every grain of sand.

High above the gulls go soaring
Keeping watch on their dominion.
Every nuance baits their passion
Where the oceans kiss the land.

And we stroll along the shoreline,
Hand in hand we walk together,
Carving treasures out of driftwood,
Watching sunsets in our sleep.

Every morning a new lifetime,
Every day a new adventure,
Every moment spent together
A new memory to keep.

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Friday, September 28, 2018

The Good Witch

Floating in your iridescent bubble 
High above the bright red poppy fields 
Of Munchkin land, you beg to spread the news.
Gloating of the triumph over troubles
Now that evil has been vanquished by degree,
You arrive to rave reviews.

Bless the little people.
They don’t fear you, but revere you,
Wait in line so they can cheer you
For the good news that you bring.
Call your name, “ding dong”, so happy.
Sing a song that’s short and snappy,
Heaping praise on high to cause the bells to ring.

But the evil is still lurking in the corners,
Silent, smirking. Waiting to affect
Its measure of reprise.
Help us overcome its power,
Growing stronger by the hour,
As we find the simple truth of your disguise.

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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Go for It

Golden castles light the
Sky of morning as the
Wind whisks by to lend a
Song, heave a sigh,
Leave goodbye on silent lips.
Winsome thoughts go
Fluttering on silken wings of
Butterflies, muttering their
Doleful cries, flaunting
Somersaulting flips.
Stand aloof and watch a while
As dancers pass you in the aisle.
Gather proof and lend a smile
To kindle your desire.
Pack a bag and go for it.
Leave the others in a snit.
It’s your dream, your perfect fit,
Your leap into the fire.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Someone had to lose a war
That raged so long, caused such blight.
Ravaging a homeland with
A devastating horrid blow.
So much, too much loss,
Tortured carnage in the name of right.
Tossing ill excuses
At an unsuspecting foe.
And you caught in the middle,
Never wanting either part,
Wishing only that the laughter would
Return to hearth and home.
Running, fleeing, dodging bullets
Meant for someone else,
Hoping for a ceasefire or
For Jubilee to come.
God, have mercy on this
Lowly wretched refugee.
Grant him peace, give her hope,
Help them all to see.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Craps! You Lose

‘Brand new shooter coming out’.
Place your bets and let them fly.
Crowd surrounds the table as you
Hold the ivories, let them roll to
Chance, spin their dotted dance to
Come to rest, yield their point,
Give you hope that you might beat
The house, break that losing chain.

Time and time and time again
You buck the odds, continue on,
Knowing that your chance grows thinner
Every time you make a pass.
Letting grass grow tall around your ankles
As you search for clues.
Blow the dice, close your eyes,
Someone cries out,
“Craps! You lose.”

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Monday, September 24, 2018

Out of Sight

Where can I go to hide out of sight
So no one will witness the tears I suppress?
Tears so unmanly, exhibits of shame,
Not meant for viewing in open display.

Keep me in shadows away from the light.
Spare me the duty, the need to confess.
Finding a scapegoat to shoulder the blame.
Wanting so desperately to get away.

Reasons aplenty abound for such flight,
Though reason of common sense loudly protest.
No one can understand what’s in a game
Where everyone loses who chooses to play.

Don’t give me grief, for I have the right.
I’m a participant, not just your guest.
The hurting will end and I will lay claim
To the beautiful prospect of a new day.

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Sunday, September 23, 2018

Bless You

May the favor of the living
Ever shine upon your face.
May the mercy of forgiving
Spin its web around your heart.
May the one who sits on high
Fill your spirit with His grace
And bless you with a confidence that
Never shall depart.
May you always find good fortune
As you journey down life’s road;
Any sorrow you encounter
Be no more than you can cope.
May you always see the positive,
Accentuate the good,
Keep the fire burning brightly,
A lighthouse yielding hope.
You alone can make a difference
If your heart is chaste and true.
Send your blessings out into the world.
They will return to you.

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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Trekking the Stairs

Thirteen agonizing landings,
Obstacles to need,
Between me and where I need to be.
Thirteen up and thirteen down,
Time and time again.
How many times?
How many hours?
If I only had a nickel…
Find me strength to make the journey.
Find me breath for one more flight.
Blessed that I don’t make a misstep 
And become a casualty.
Lord, take that blasted second floor and
Level it to closer ground
That I might lose these Devil stairs
And keep my sanity.

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Friday, September 21, 2018

My Front Porch

Just sitting here watching the world go by,
Me and my front porch.
Whittling time, chewing people pie,
Swallowing with delight.
Maybe a book to speed time along
Or fill in an empty space,
Sipping my unsweetened lemonade
In between people pie bites.
I spy as a robin peruses my lawn
For manna to feed his brood.
A little gray squirrel tiptoes up my steps
For handouts I gladly dispense.
Somewhere aloft and out of sight
A raven blares in dismay.
Curdling cries of ‘nevermore’
To make the bravest heart wince.
Soothed by wind chimes, a gentle breeze
Precursors a quiet rain,
And I settle in, content once again,
Monarch of my domain.

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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Long Drive

Where does this highway meet its end?
This endless serpent of concrete and asphalt
Is strangling, constricting every
Mass of tissue, every bone.

Pervasive boredom leaps to mind.
I’ve made this trip a thousand times and
Every one is like the last.
I could do this in my sleep.

Warnings on the radio, another detour up ahead.
Do I find an alternate or take my chances with delay?
Do I play the stop and bop or
Zig the zag with traffic tag.

Another lane jockey scurries by,
Zipping in, zipping out without a signal,
Without a clue.
Oh, where are the Smokies when you need them?

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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Who Do You Want To Be?

Everyone wants to be a hero.
Who do you want to be?
You could have a million
Storied moments to relate.
Choose a scene to make your entrance.
Save the day again before you
Fade into a distant sun
And memory decides your fate.

Just beware that memories are short,
Victim to perception,
Matters of convenience often
Measured by degree.
So be sure to know the cure
At your dreams inception and
Enjoy the ride when you decide
Who you really want to be.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Walk on Water

Maker of miracles,
Wizard of wonder,
Hero of hope who can
Walk on water.
Arch our amazement,
Ascend to its apex,
Bridle benevolence to
Peak your praise.
Those in the throes of a
Weakness to worship
Bend without breaking to
Kneel on one knee,
Wondering when you will
Suddenly sink in
The dastardly depths of your
Self-imposed sea.

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Monday, September 17, 2018

Movie Stars

Streaming strips of celluloid,
Heroes in a can.
Lifestyles played out in a box
For all the world to see.
Millions cry delirious
To be the biggest fan,
A fantastic fanatic of
Frenetic fantasy.
Who made all these movie stars?
Why are they so special?
Is it not superfluous that
They exist at all?
In the grander scheme of tribulations
We must wrestle,
They won’t get a single
Curtain call.

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Sunday, September 16, 2018

Girl of My Dreams

All through the ages artists have struggled,
Poets have sought to recreate
The unknown essence in your eyes,
The one thing time can never erase.
Gentle nuance softly caressing,
Yielding to innocence,
Lost in your arms.
Playful obsession, teasing and tempting,
Giving and getting in equal repose.
Fortunate one to feast at your table,
To taste the champagne of your sweet supple lips.
Bathed in candlelight flickering softly
As feathery fingertips lightly caress.
Touching my soul in its deepest recesses,
Raising my body heat to fever pitch,
Teasing and pleasing til passion is sated,
Fires abate, only embers remain.
My sweet Juliet, Helen of Troy,
It was you taught Mona Lisa to smile.

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Saturday, September 15, 2018


I’ve watched you as the years roll by
Season leading into season.
Springtime's gently yield to summers,
Winters following the fall.
Gracefully you’ve kept your promise,
Step by step you’ve held my hand,
Walking every millimeter with me,
Scaling every wall.
With me as the blossoms sprouted,
With me in the heat of passion,
With me as we harvested the
Bounty of our growing vine.
Now as days are growing shorter
Let me linger in your eyes,
Kiss your lips, your honey hair,
Let me mellow in your wine.

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Friday, September 14, 2018

Speedy Gonzalez

Racing, rushing, always speeding.
Trying to avoid the rush.
Pacing in impatient sneakers,
Ready, set to go.
Casing every target quickly,
Sizing up the what and how.
Basing each decision on
A hefty pull and snap.
Doing every dubious deed
As though it was your very last.
Pursuing with the hunger of
An urchin of the streets.
Viewing plans in overload,
No secondary details.
Stewing every slight delay,
Stretching to the end.
Speedy, you may get there first
But miss so much, my faithful friend.

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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Letting Go

It was a good run.
Too soon, now it’s over.
Coming to the end
Always seems the hardest part.
Reflection makes it easier.
Well, somewhat anyway.
It’s never really easy
To mend a broken heart.
Gone now and forever,
Never to return.
Finding a far better place
To rest a troubled soul.
Leaving grieving tortured hearts
Who touched your magic world
To contemplate their future fate.
Sadly, letting go.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Then I Found You

Wandering aimlessly,
Lost.  Alone.
A million and one and yet
Not one.
Blessed with a patience
To bide my time,
Bound and determined
To find the right fit.
Kissing frogs
To grand discontentment.
Dreaming Repunzel will
Let down her hair.
Waking to find there is
No Sleeping Beauty
To kiss on the lips and
Live happ’ly e’er after.
Such a sad sack,
Such a cliché.
Hapless… hopeless…
Then I found you.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2018


What the heck was all that ruckus?
Streaming, strumming, backbeat drumming,
Constant humming in the background.
Will it ever end?
Hump, bump, piddle, diddle,
Catch and carry back to middle.
Pricks and pins. No one wins.
Must you start it up again?

Stop the music!
God, have mercy.
I would never ask for this
Strange hullabaloo.
Only you would
Interrupt my perfect bliss.

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Monday, September 10, 2018


            I have the hopeful will to live.
             I have the fruitful means to give.
             I have capacity to know.
             I’ve opportunity to grow.
             The love of friends I will get by.
             My dreams will rise to meet the sky.
             I know what life is all about.
Dread to know my fate were I

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Sunday, September 09, 2018

Seems to be a Theme

It’s the same old thing,
Same mistakes, sad retakes of déjà vu.
Reluctantly… seems to be a
Revolving door swings back to you.
Can’t be sure that we’ll endure
Whenever fever boils to pitch.
Can’t stand, won’t stand calmly by
As Princess turns to frosty bitch.
Fireworks loaded to explode with
Furious veracity,
Shooting flames into the night
Arousing curiosity
From passersby who blink an eye.
They’ve seen it all before.
The grand display. ‘You go!’ ‘I’ll stay.’
The slamming of the door
Then it all just goes away
As if it were a dream,
And we are left to start again.
Seems to be a theme.

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Saturday, September 08, 2018

On Stage

Curtain going up on stage,
Audience is ready.
Steeped anticipation driving
Forward expectation.
Fluttered stomachs flustering in
Fruitless, flawless fancy,
Waiting for the spotlight
As the overture descends.
Studied, steadied, readied now
By weeks of planned rehearsal.
Tweaked by repetition to a
Peak of pure perfection.
Suddenly the lead in line
Leaps out in your direction.
No hiding place, no tortoise shell,
Too late for sad reversal.
Fantasy, reality
Comes leaping from the page,
And you are witness to the magic.
You are there – on stage.

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Friday, September 07, 2018

Dilly Bop - Soda Pop

Dilly bop – soda pop
Frosty-frothy-foamy, fill me to the top.
Hit me hard, won’t you, with a gracious glop
Before they come to take me away.

Dilly bop – clippie clop.
Praying for the wondrousness to never stop.
Expectations leaning to a flippy flop,
Turning silver linings to gray.

I was just a silly duck, misfortunes child, out of luck,
Then your loving heart smiled on me.
You could have a change of heart, a change of mind,
And our love could be history.

Dilly bop – hippy hop.
Knowing you’re the finest flower in the crop.
Waiting for the other shoe to go kerplop
Before they come and take me away.

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Thursday, September 06, 2018

Wounds to Heal

Nations are just people. Right?
Collective thoughts in aggregate
Bordered by rivers, mountains and seas,
Shielded from those not of like minds.
Held together in common cause,
Taught from youth the ways that are best.
Given to sermon on heritage, on
Cottage and hearth, the things that bind.

Bested in battle, subjugated,
Bound and bonded to second class,
Steely hearts seek to turn the tide,
Unaversed to the letting of blood
If it need flow in a river of red.
So, let it be for the greater good.
The victor will decide what is right.
All in the name of brotherhood.
But who will heal the daggered wounds?
Who will rise to stem the flood?

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Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Terrible Thoughts

Close to death one year removed,
Should be thankful, should feel blessed.
Linear mortality hushed and shunned,
But not denied.
Staving off the Reaper’s scythe,
Delaying the inevitable,
The end is still as certain as
The rising sun, the evening tide.
One tries not to think about
The timing or the certainty.
Far too many daily dues to
Clutter up a busy mind.
Roads traversed, roads yet to travel,
Chores left from misguided youth.
Blisters chafing booted heels.
Far too much to leave behind.
Precious time, beating, fleeting.
No emotion,
So unkind.

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Tuesday, September 04, 2018


Muddled and befuddled in
A train of steamy streaming thought,
Stupefied and mollified to
Shades of gray cognition,
Such bland preoccupation of
A tacit situation sends the
Mind in one direction to
The dark depths of perdition.
Please allow a moment to
Collect the sad remains,
To sing one last refrain of
Some melancholy song.
Enlightenment ensues and
The mind is so bemused
With the voices and the choices
That we choose to take along.
Weep no more, my sad-eyed friend.
Dry your teary cheek.
It will all seem better when
Those inner voices speak.

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Monday, September 03, 2018


Do I hate you?
No. I do.
Am I jealous?
Yes. I’m not.
Can you give me?
No. You can.
Will it hurt?
No. Quite a lot.
Do I want all that is yours?
Yes, I don’t. This much is true.
Will I sweat it just to get it?
Should I, must I be like you?
Tempt me to begrudge your title.
Tease me to the point of shame.
When we both are gone, forgotten,
Who is left to speak our name?

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Sunday, September 02, 2018


That sweet intangible that
Draws you near, keeps you close,
Makes your heartbeat quicken just a bit
As eye meets blushing eye.
Stripped of ego and of will you
Linger just a bit too long,
Making intent obvious to anyone who passes by.
Lost from logic, miles gone by,
Caring not where footfalls stride.
Want to bask in sweet surrender,
Covers drawn on every side.
Tell me you’ll be mine forever.
Make my mind stop rushing wild.
Heartstrings strumming
So in tune,
So enraptured,
So beguiled.

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Saturday, September 01, 2018


Here forever.
Gone for good.
Rising to survive the flood of
Circumstance, happenstance.
Sloughing off the fleeting chance
To keep a moment close to heart,
Clinging hope to never part.
Sprinkling stardust in a quest
To guide the trailing fleet to rest.

Spinning circles interlock to
Wind the never-ending clock,
Set the spring to overload,
Slide the tic into the tock.
Faithful watchers of the keep.
Tired eyes that never sleep.
Praying for a Deity.
Slaves to perpetuity.

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