Friday, September 21, 2018

My Front Porch

Just sitting here watching the world go by,
Me and my front porch.
Whittling time, chewing people pie,
Swallowing with delight.
Maybe a book to speed time along
Or fill in an empty space,
Sipping my unsweetened lemonade
In between people pie bites.
I spy as a robin peruses my lawn
For manna to feed his brood.
A little gray squirrel tiptoes up my steps
For handouts I gladly dispense.
Somewhere aloft and out of sight
A raven blares in dismay.
Curdling cries of ‘nevermore’
To make the bravest heart wince.
Soothed by wind chimes, a gentle breeze
Precursors a quiet rain,
And I settle in, content once again,
Monarch of my domain.

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