Friday, September 04, 2020


Puffing on those cigarettes

Can cause you nothing but regrets.

The air we breathe is bad enough

Without inhaling all that stuff.


The saddest part for those who smoke

Is they don't realize the joke.

The industry that hawks the dope,

The nicotine and tar, they hope

To pass off as a thing worthwhile.

They'd even have us walk a mile

For that special taste we only get

From puffing on their cigarette.


And while we cough and hack and wheeze

They feed on government subsidies

And laugh at us as we blow rings,

And pay a double price for things

As foolish as the killer weed

Instead of things we really need.


It's time we reevaluate

The things we love,

The things we hate,

The things we do, the things we don't,

The things we will, the things we won't.

The things we do with some regrets,

Like puffing on those cigarettes.

   Lulu Storefront:

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