Saturday, December 19, 2020

Awake at Midnight

Watching walls…

         Awake again

With midnight creeping past my door.

Mind awash with daylight dread,

Thoughts unsaid,

         Sad regrets.


A million ways to make amends

For slights and slashes of the tongue,

Songs unsung or sung so much

They cannot leave my hollow head.


Nagging hunger for a slice of

Humble pie as recompense.

Trying hard to make some sense of

Arguments and quarrels.


Oh, the horror.

         Ah, the humor.

Steeped in rumored innuendo

Meant to send no earthly message

For the masses to ignore.


Oh, that I could clear my head of

Past regrets,

         Future frets.

Perhaps I would not find myself alone

         Awake at midnight.

 Lulu Storefront:

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