Thursday, January 13, 2022


I stood in line at the grocery counter

Where mother and child were just ahead.

This small supple mass of flesh and lung

Which moments before was announcing his ire

For the whole world to notice that

Something was wrong,

Some great injustice was being done

To his discontent, so he pierced the air

With nerve wrenching wails,

Which his mother apparently could not hear,

Or did she ignore?

Could she be the only one in the store who...

Of course not. How silly.

She's just on to his game.

Patience has conquered, at least for the moment.


And now he sits... Suddenly shy...

Tilting his brow... Avoiding my eye.

What is he thinking? If thought is a pattern.

What is he learning from this days event?


I wink as his view shyly shifts my direction.

He lowers his eyelids, confused for a while.

He glances at mother, and then back to me...

One more wink, and I capture a smile.

Lulu Storefront:

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