Wednesday, March 30, 2022

So Much to Learn

Seven plus decades have taught me a lot,

Much of which I have long since forgotten

Without ceremony or such tommyrot

To bring me to here where I belong.


One might say that learning begins in the womb

And lasts until flesh and bone rest in the tomb.

The struggle of whether to use who or whom,

The difference between right and wrong.


Schooling can help just as sure as you please,

And books can convey so much knowledge with ease,

As experience gives with a taunt and a tease

Like the words of a sad country song.


And just when I think I know all that I need

Life throws me pickles and spits out the seeds

Leaving me clueless with nary a lead

Believing all promise is gone.


But hope is a butterfly flitting about,

Gathering nectar his only concern

And I have a wellspring of knowledge to scout

With evermore so much to learn.

 Lulu Storefront:

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