Friday, April 22, 2022


Who is that roly-poly visage

Staring down with vague intent?

Following my every move

As if I mean to do you harm.


You with your thousand oval eyes

Watching the freak show of humanity.

Peeking through windows

And fences and trees

Afraid you might miss what my folly ensues.


Gossiping with a billion stars

Though silent they sit in a restless sky.

Making your journey with pinpoint precision

So I may stare back at your affable face.


Waning and waxing, I only assume

You are scanning the galaxies in your own time.

Soaking the wisdom of all you survey

Storing the secrets deep in your core.


Oh, strident moon with your face brightly glowing,

Mystical revenant stalking the night,

Witness to aggregate human endeavors,

I seek your counsel

But you never speak.

 Lulu Storefront:

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