Saturday, May 14, 2022

Secrets in the Stars

Infinity isn’t so far away.

It’s living in the nighttime sky

With millions of billions of angel lanterns

Keeping their secrets for only my ears.

I listen intently as they whisper gently

Sharing the wonders as they wink their eye.

Eons of wisdom are waiting and watching me

Hoping to quell all my curious fears.


Slowly I open much more that my eyes

To the visions before me,

The secrets they hold.

The miracles they must have known

In their journeys!

The stories unraveling, yet to be told.


Fealty unfailing,

Constant in countenance

Finding your way to the breaking of day.

Breathing the awe,

Beyond imagination,

Granting me gifts I can never repay.

 Lulu Storefront:

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