Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Sitting On the Edge of the Universe

This insignificant speck of dust

Sitting on the edge of the universe

Is hearth and home to millions of billions,

Billions of trillions and even more.


Once ruled by giants, both gentle and fierce,

Erupting from nothing to lush forest green.

In an instant the giants are gone and forgotten,

Traced to a fossil, erased from the scene.


Now it is man who resides on the summit,

Cocky and bold with a confident beam,

Filled with a history, guided by memory,

Brash curiosity armed with his dreams.


The stalking moon parades through the heavens

Bidding him come to seek out his fate.

Unbridled adventure around every corner

Forbids him from patience, will not let him wait.


Never quite knowing what made it all happen,

Theory on theory, he tries to converse.

Wondering what gods collided to leave him

Sitting here on the edge of the universe.


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