Sunday, December 29, 2024


Youth has its own way of

         Running in sprints,

Burning the light of a thousand candles,

Searching through nights abandoned of fear,

         Reaching for dreams in a million stars.


Humor abounds in unbridled ambition as

Taste for success adds fuel to the fire

         To quicken the pace as

         It blurs the horizon

And pushes the pack with relentless pursuit.


But steps take a toll

         As the effort increases.

                  The runner grows weary.

                  Focus turns weak til

The wall of epiphany rises and falls

And truth at last is unkindly revealed.


Life is a marathon

         Meant to be run so that every nuance

         Unfolds in its time.

The roses … sweeter,

         The air crisp and clean

When the race and its pace cuddle

         Close to sublime.


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