Monday, January 13, 2025


Sir Raven rides on velvet wings to

Cast and eerie shadow on an unsuspecting,

Unprepared, unenlightened muddled mob of

Misfits eager to be pleased,

Who dance the day away with ease

And pray the daylight fade away

To mask the folly of their play.


Darkness treks with silent footfall

Striding west to chase the sun,

Painting scenes of ghostly gray to

Cover cabin, field and farm. The

Quiet drifter’s subtle charm

Speaks soft romance by candlelight,

The coming of the sacred night.


Blessings of a peaceful slumber

Grace the chambers of repose to

Chase and banish daylight’s demons,

Consequence of battles born.

Rest a weary heart til morn

To wake upon a newborn day as

Nightfall gently slips away.


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