Sunday, July 10, 2022

V is for Vacate

I was minding my business

When all of it started,

Had no intention of mixing it in.

Had no Illusions of being its Marshall.

Wanting instead to be left alone.

I am no savior,

Not from Samaria,

Not some vast organization of charity

Bent on saving the world in its suffering.

More Mother Hubbard without a bone.


So, why was I tagged? Why me the target?

Was it just happenstance calling my name?

Much more comfortable as a mere witness,

Innocent bystander, uninvolved

In this chaotic measure thrust on my shoulder,

Caught in the middle of conflicting views.

Next time I’ll walk away, vacate the zone.

Let someone else find the strength to resolve.

 Lulu Storefront:

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