Friday, September 02, 2022

Creative Destruction

I guess it all began with the caveman

Developing skills meant to keep him alive.

A rock or a club or the strength of his hands,

Anything’s fair if it helps him survive.

Then he found ways to take the offensive,

First stick, then stone, then metallic ore.

The shaping of spears and arrows and slings,

The packs and the tribes were soon making war.

Then in a flash, a new wave of terror.

A spark ignites powder and Hell is released

On an unsuspecting humankind

With a fury that will never cease.

The waves of destruction keep pounding the shore

With creative minds finding new ways to kill.

Leaving the battlefields strewn with ashes,

Leaving our prodigy to pay the bill.

We’ve been destroying ourselves since creation

Though truth is as close as our own backyard.

We never paused to consider the question.

Destruction? That’s easy.

Creation is hard.

 Lulu Storefront:

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