Tuesday, January 03, 2023


Feckless fear is a wretched companion.

Fear of strangers, fear of loss,

The quivering fear of being alone.

But worlds come undone

And time relents meaning

When the canon of gravity bullies its’ reign.



So quickly, hard objects propel

To strike supple flesh

And break brittle bone

With a feeling more like a

Film in slow motion,

Played out in agony,

Pushed to the pain.


So unlike the youthful thrill.

The exhilaration of unfettered flight

Through billowing clouds,

Though common sense might

Speak to the mind to declare it insane.


The wisdom of age grows a

Widening respect for 

The art and the need of

Remaining upright.

For the mischief of falling

Brings dire consequence.

A poor worthless beggar

With nothing to gain.


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