Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Heart Never Lies

Go with your gut.

Go with your head.

Go with your heart where it leads.

Life in a rut.

Thoughts filled with dread.

Lost in a wildwood of copious trees.

Why be so needy?

Why be so greedy?

Why give a dingle at all?

No need to act

Until all of the facts have been

Spray-painted onto the wall.


Your gut is the first to speak,

Never shy, never meek.

Instinct akin to survival.

Then the head interjects

As the lines intersect

Til it becomes an archrival


But then the heart barters

For a cloudless new start seen 

Through open and welcoming eyes,

Where decisions ring true

As the color of blue

In a world where

The heart never lies.


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