Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Born of power, unafraid,

Totally indifferent to the caste and class

Written in the logs and ledgers of the world.

Cased in brass, ready to ignite with fury

In an instant, sending forth the unsuspecting infant

Hurtling with deadly force.


Traveling more than sight and sound,

Cutting, screeching through the air

Defying friction, gravity,

Screaming hot with total dread.

Searching for a target,

     Any target that may cross its path.

Nothing to impede the speed,

     Must concede to destiny.


But the object of desire

Hides behind an obstacle unexpected,

Unprotected from the fury and the wrath.

Now the path has been deflected, and

Your target redirected.

Who must fear your ricochet?

No one really knows.


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