Thursday, February 27, 2025

She Stands in the Harbor

A gift.

A magnanimous, thoughtful gift

From her sister nation across the sea.

Born from the love of freedom

And faith in the kindness of humanity.

She stands in the harbor overlooking

The portal of hope. Her torch held high

To hail the ships, to light the path in

Silence, never asking why.


Behind her the never-ending sprawl of

A steaming behemoth rides the horizon.

The mountains and trenches of concrete and steel

Scream a challenge of vast expanses beyond.

But she never waivers in her daunting task.

Her silent resolve makes a solemn decree.

She beckons the weary to enter her shores and

Accept the bold challenge of sweet liberty.


She cannot deny them,

Will never forsake them,

Shall always enfold them in welcoming arms.

And all who believe in the bright torch of freedom

Forever defend her and keep her from harm.


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