Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Summers Come, Summers Go

Oh, how we ached in the chill of December

For the sultry swoon of summer’s days,

Where time is a turtle free of his shell

Floating soft on holiday.


And fragrant fields and meadows yield

A sensory boondogglement,

As air stands still upon the hill

And summer rains are heaven-sent.


Away you probing question marks.

Away you wicked doubts and fears.

How dare you bore upon my door

Now that summertime is here?


Tis only playful summer’s guests

Can enter here, can pound their chest

And dance the dance of folly’s fool

Until the sun sleeps in the west.


But even summer runs hers course

As autumn bites upon her nape,

And the turtle waits inside his shell

To taste the wine of summer’s grape.


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