Friday, May 10, 2024


I’d like to think that I am brave,

But in the ‘over all’ of things

I shudder as I stutter and I

Wonder just what I would do

If, when confronted with the dangers

Tribulation often brings,

I would rise to the occasion

Or melt into a mound of goo.


Face to face with fierce encounter

Might I find the fearless fervor

To resist the fancy of flight,

Stay my station, test my might.

Or do I quiver, shake and shiver

Ever hapless to deliver,

Fearful to rise to the height and

Do what I believe is right.


Mournful woe? Unnecessary.

No want for reckless rant or rue.

When time sings out for bravery

I’m sure I will do what I have to do.


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