Thursday, May 16, 2024


In a world where hearts are hardened

From the brine of stormy seas

Pounding with relentless fury,

Battered by the broad debris.

Hard to deal with sympathy

And feel the plight that others know

When every turn tends to confirm

We’re drowning in the undertow.


Praying for epiphany or

Maybe some grand miracle

Where we might be a giving tree

And feel magnanimous and full.

Even with the smallest gesture:

(Kinder discourse, simple smiles)

New directions break horizons

Stretching on for miles and miles.


Choirs of angels beckoning with

Softness purified by light from

Somewhere far beyond the spectrum

Known to ethnologic sight.

Sweet compassion, mercy forward,

Filled with tender clemency,

Feathered with the grace of kindness,

Underscored with empathy.


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