Thursday, May 23, 2024


They say curiosity killed the cat,

An attribute much overstated.

His quest to explore opens many a door

Until his desires are sated.


They say there are some things

It’s best not to know,

Though inquiring minds tend to pry.

Without their endeavors life’s secrets may never

Be privy to quizzical eyes.


They say nosey people are just an annoyance,

A pique to the meek and the mild,

But crazed looky-loos can give wings to the news

That can spread like a fire in the wild.


They say that a child may be seen, but keep mute.

Don’t interrupt adults at play.

They need to keep quiet and stir not a riot

No matter what cruel adults say.


I say there’s a need for a curious cause.

Without them where would progress be?

No one to implore, no one to explore,

No champion of diversity, So,

Go ask your questions,

Pose fearless suggestions,

Dance boldly in sweet reverie.


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