Saturday, March 15, 2025

Loyal to the Last

He couldn’t tell you why

He volunteered, only to say

It was something that he felt he had to do,

To help… to serve.

There were other options that

He might have chosen. Better pay,

Better hours, not as taxing on

His body or his nerves.


He didn’t mean to make his mother

Cry so many tears,

But she couldn’t hide the pride

She felt inside her breaking heart.

He only meant to honor her and

All that she had taught

Of integrity and loyalty and

All that they impart.


He knows that any moment can bring

Turmoil to his life

Where endangerment can threaten hard and fast.

But he will never waiver

In the face of enmity.

He vows to stay forever faithful…

And loyal to the last.


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