Monday, March 24, 2025

Old Hickory’s War

Didn’t we fight this war before?

Same foe, same show as just a few short years ago.

Guess we didn’t get the point across;

They failed to learn their lesson.

Don’t scoff. Hands off!

Or you’ll get caught in the undertow.


Time to launch our secret weapon,

Though secret may not be the word.

Ol’ Hick’ry fit the Injun Wars,

Took the fearsome band to task.

No compromise, no questions asked,

This raging, sullen thunderbird.


So, off we march to New Orleans,

This ragtag, squirrel-gun toting troop,

To face the finest, fittest force

His Majesty can muster,

To put an end, once and for all,

This brash attempt at foreign rule,

To firmly quash the British might

And all its Parliamentary  bluster.


But Old Hickory took it all in stride.

He led, he fought, he won.

And every mother’s child reveres

The newborn nation’s favorite son.


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