Friday, March 14, 2025

The Pledge

It may not be the popular trend

To quote the pledge, hand over heart;

Some backlash from the “me” generation

Hesitant to be a part of

Something larger than themselves.

They dodge all symbols of commitment,

Shunning lyrics of allegiance

With a scowl of vague resentment.


I was taught to show respect

And carry hubris in my stance

When symbols of my cherished land

Remind of my inheritance.


The brave, the fearless patriots

Who gladly gave their all.

Who held her battle colors high

And never let them fall.


Red for those who shed their blood

So others might live free.

White, for virtues unreproached

And cherished purity.

Blue proclaims our loyalty,

No thought of sacrilege.


Yes, I will stand and raise my hand

With pride to quote the pledge.


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