Friday, March 21, 2025

You Say You Want a Revolution

“When in the course of human events.”

Thus tolls the bell of fervent appeal,

This declaration,

This new beginning,

This fledgling flight from the eagle’s nest.


“We hold these truths to be self-evident.”

That these rights be not taken by trial or ordeal.

That liberty’s grasp is secure and unending

And freedom endures when held to the test.


And if there be violence,

            Let there be violence.

We shall not wither though cannons may reel.

For independence is ours for the winning

And we will not settle for second-best.


For they shall not govern without our consent,

Or throttle our fervor or stifle our zeal

Lest we send them whirling, reeling and spinning

With our vigilant vigor that never will rest.


No patience for despots or tyrants or kings

When Liberty, sweet Liberty, opens her wings.


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