Monday, June 03, 2024


I uttered a promise years ago

To always be faithful and true,

To take all the hard times along with the good

And forevermore stand by you.


It has ofttimes been more than chaotic

On this rough roller-coaster ride,

But I knew I could always see it through

As long as you were by my side.


The years may have weathered our outer veneers,

And our thoughts may be muddled with age,

But our hearts have grown closer and stronger

With the turning of every page.


All the youngsters have flown

Into lives of their own,

No more time for the old folks these days,

And the loved-ones who mentored us for

So many years have silently all slipped away.


Just the two of us now,

No one else to take care of.

Old friends have all drifted afar. 

So, we sit holding hands,

No words necessary,

And wish on our own falling star.


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