Sunday, June 23, 2024


Life is filled with challenges

To test the moral boundaries of

Honor and morality that

Stretch from here to there to where


The breakers of stability are

Cordoned from civility

And simple serendipity

Gives battle to despair.


And we are want to rise above

Temptation’s trap, to tug and shove

And distance us from those we love

Through avarice extreme.


While righteous indignation lopes

To muddle every dream and hope,

We learn that life’s kaleidoscope is

Seldom what it seems.


The rebel in me wants to fight

For every cause I know is right

Resisting evil with the might of

Even-handed truth.


With candor and sincerity

To reach beyond what needs to be and

Muster the integrity of

Tender unspoiled youth.


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