Saturday, June 15, 2024


“Could I get a little help here?”

            “Sorry. Much too busy, Man.”

“Maybe you can spare a minute?”

            “No. Got some place I need to be.”


“How ‘bout you? Can you assist me?”

            “Mister, I don’t even know you.”

“I’m just someone in a bind.”

            “Sorry. No concern to me.”


“Pardon Ma’am, might I beseech you?”

            “What? Is that some kind of line?”

“No, I only need some aid.”

            “Oh, stick it where the sun don’t shine.”


“Is there anyone who cares enough to

Grant a little favor?”

The silence makes a lonely mistress

In a bed of misery.


“Is there no one in my life who

I can count on not to waiver?”

            “Hold on friend. I’ll lend a hand, but

            Tell me, what’s in it for me?”


Perhaps I should not hesitate when

Some poor soul cries out in need.

The way life goes, one never knows, 

That poor soul could one day be me.


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