Saturday, June 29, 2024


Kindness is a gentle friend

Whose silky voice floats soft to soothe

Disquiet ears, comforting

The troubled flesh, the hardened core.

Owning nothing, giving all to

Reach across the great abyss,

Heading every utterance,

The plaintive cry of those in need.


Kindness claims no bounty, asks

No ransom, wage or tariff fair,

But offers bounteous rewards

Immeasurable in currency.

A caring word, a hand to hold,

A cherished heartfelt memory.

The simple act of being close

For one whose ship has lost its sail.


Kindness keeps no score on grace,

It seeks no recompense,

But bathes itself in tolerance

And willful charity.

And if in giving time is lost,

It will be time served well

To reap the golden gain of its reward.


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