Friday, June 21, 2024


Whimsy, wit and gaiety, 

Playful jocularity,

Banter-born buffoonery and

Joyful, joking jest.


Comedy with clowning laughter, 

Sad before but happy after,

Teasing mirth to rise to rapture,

Feeling wholly blessed.


Revelry in crystal giggles

Dancing naked wrapped in wiggles,

Bouncing flesh that jumps and jiggles

Falling on their asses.


Silly clown so sweet and sappy

Laughing, crying, sad and happy, 

Fat suspenders swank and snappy

Cheering up the masses.


Goofy slapstick, never subtle,

Falling flat-faced in a puddle,

Leaping up in full rebuttal

Ready to reply.


Humor is the great redeemer,

Manna for the hopeful schemer,

Mindful muse for restive dreamers

Finished with a sigh.


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