Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Please, don’t mistake timidity

For weakness or fragility

When tempered by humility and

Modest reservation.

This sheepish unpretentiousness may

Seem to leave me powerless,

But don’t expect me to regress to

Grievous subjugation.


I love this unassuming screen

That shields me from harsh sunlight’s gleam  

Where pathos dwells behind the scene

And I can look demure.

But I have loads of confidence

Kept hidden deep behind a fence

Without contention or pretense

Or faceless overture.


I’ll be not prone or hesitate

To silence or self-deprecate.

I have no grand ego to sate,

Or yen for spotlight’s glow.

But buried deep beneath the shroud

A fierceness lingers loud and proud,

Waiting like a thundercloud

To ravage all below.


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