Monday, April 29, 2024

Dreams Falling Down

So many dreams came tumbling down

The day that the towers fell out of the Heavens;

A day when innocents, unsuspecting,

Stepped aboard missiles of grave misgivings.


Hopes aborted,

Lives cut short,

Millions affected in so many ways.

There’s not a soul with cognizant memory

Who cannot remember where they were that day.


Quickly awakened

The ire of a nation

Set forth a path of intense retribution,

Vowing remembrance while seeking the snake,

To cut off the head,

To find a solution.


And all of those dreams of all of those souls

Lost in the ash and the rubble of time

Still serve a purpose,

A vivid reminder,

As we pursue justice for this horrid crime.


Sunday, April 28, 2024

In the Wake of Irene

You didn’t surprise anyone.

We gazed with watchful trepidation

As you brewed and churned

In deep blue waters far from shores of island nations.

Growing stronger with each hour.

Moving slowly, building forces

Far beyond our petty powers to control,

We pay the toll

 As you begin your path of torture.


I cower in anticipation,

See the first drops pelt my windows,

Feel the building strength of winds

That drive the deluge to my doorstep,

Saps the power from my veins

With seemingly relentless power,

Wondering when it will end,

Filled with dread,

Drained of will,

Spent and left to feel so small.


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Some Days

Distant rumbles from a sky of

Misty gray, hanging low,

Moving steady, marking time,

Marching soldier in your prime.

Crispness chilling morning air,

Sitting on my front porch chair

I ponder what the day will bring.

Daintily the wind chimes sing

As robins chirp

And folks walk by,

Gentle breezes seem to sigh

And slide across the pine tree’s boughs,

Who protests slightly, but allows.

Plans were made

But will they serve?

Will protests yield what they deserve?
Or should I simply roll along

To see what fate holds in her song?

Some days are like this one,

No doubt.

I’ll wait to see what it’s about.


Friday, April 26, 2024


Tiptoe lightly into wakeless

Shades of sweet oblivion,

Fighting sleep and desperate hunger

Til I cross the Rubicon.


Would you please repeat the question?

I’m afraid my memory

-Although my wits remain intact-

Is not quite what it used to be.


Listing wild from port to starboard,

Tilting hard in stormy seas,

Must hold tightly to the railing

Lest it brings me to my knees.


I just need to find some balance

Somewhere between yang and yen.

Looking forward to tomorrow,

Dreaming of what might have been.


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Are You Here?

Where are you right now

While I’m trying to talk to you?

Are you here in this brief moment

Or a thousand miles away

On some sandy beach at sunset

By a bonfire sipping wine?

Do you hear the words I’m saying

And the meaning they convey?


In a world of daydream stalkers

Does your expertise surpass?

Can you cling for just an instant,

Hear what others need to say?



Simple focus is a bane to your existence,

And I don’t have the patience

To bring you into the fray,

So pucker up and hustle up and

Learn to pay attention

                          Just for once.

It would truly make my day.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Whose Dream is This?

I won’t hear of world unrest today,

Even though I know that it exists.

Can’t let anger penetrate

The wall that I have built,

Nothing to disturb this restful bliss.


I’ll be turning off the evening news before it starts.

Nothing there but torment and unrest.

Nothing of the goodness

And the healing that I crave,

Puts my patient nurturing to test.


Don’t think for a moment I am callous,

Hardened and unfeeling to the plight.

Quite contrary. I have hope for all humanity.

I just don’t want to think of it

Or dwell on it tonight.


Give me just one moment of good graces.

Give me peace to close a hectic day.

Let serenity flood every corner of my mind.


Whose dream is this anyway?


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Early Morning Splendor

Thunder rumbles deep and low

As storm clouds loom in western skies.

Sol has yet to show his face

And I shrink down to half my size.


Creeping, crawling, reeling, rolling

Ponderous peaks of garish gray

Stumble til they reach my doorstep,

Almost takes my breath away.


Lightning flashes ever closer

As the deluge comes at last, and 

I, as witness, gaze in awe

Until the spectacle has passed.


Who creates such splendid splendor?

What great wisdom might inspire?

Such a rush of rapid rapture

Had to come from somewhere higher.


Monday, April 22, 2024

Bigger Picture

Searching through the scrambled pieces,

Hundreds, thousands, maybe more

Scattered loosely, helter skelter

Laid out on the puzzle board.

Trying hard to find an interlocking place

To fit, to be,

To integrate with all the rest

And form a perfect symmetry.


No one piece can be forgotten,

Not a single one misplaced,

Else the picture be misshapen

Vision hopelessly erased.

But when the whole has come together

And each piece knows where it should be,

Witness all the bigger picture

Formed with perfect clarity.


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Wellsprings of Happiness

Bubbling up,

Trickling down,

Springing from somewhere

Deep underground.


Growing in strength,

Merging in flow,

Gravity dictating

Where you will go.


Soothing the sorrow,

Easing the pain,

Cooling the swelter

Like sweet summer rain.


Endlessly moving,

Cannot be still,

Dreams to fruition,

Fortunes to fill.


Hope to deliver,

Laughter to deal.

Wellsprings of happiness,

Help me to heal.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Welcome, Sunshine

Shadows of the night, be gone.

Your time well-spent in nourishment,

Nurturing the dreams of light

As dawn brings hope of new beginnings.


Welcome, Sunshine,

Welcome friend

Smiling down upon my face.

Spread your joy across my brow,

Raise your manna to my lips.


Sadness cannot breach your fortress,

Tragic cause must pass you by as

Every creature great and small

Upward turns to meet your stare.


Faithful watcher,

Silent giver,

Asking nothing in return.

Not in worship, but our kinship

Bids me pause to offer praise.


Friday, April 19, 2024

Music, Food, Wine and Sunshine

Don’t need much to make me happy,

Just music, food, wine and sunshine.


Music from within, without,

In my ear or in my mind,

Floods my thoughts,

Feeds my soul,

Fills my day with warm delights.


Food to fill my basic needs,

To tempt the pallet,

Curb the craving.

Feasting follies filled with flavor

In my nose and

On my tongue.


Wine to stimulate my senses

Breaking soft upon my lips,

Help me gently to remember,

Bid me fondly to forget.


Sunshine chase away my demons,

Spread your light upon my brow.

Show me all my wondrous blessings,

Give me hope so I may dream.


Thursday, April 18, 2024


Autumn and I are fast frequent friends

With memories mixed with the colors of rainbows.

We’ve weathered the storms,

Survived the transitions,

Sharing the anguish and bliss on the way.


Many a time have I witnessed her change,

The spinning of lush fervent green into gold,

The transfer from swelter to fresh fragrant foliage,

The crisp, clear allure her aura endows.


Who holds her miracle?

Who might explain

How the muse of the seasons so often inspire?

I stand in awe clinging fast to her bosom

Praying this slow dance might go on forever.


Heaven but knows how many more seasons

Await down the road before fate seals my end,

But Autumn and I will go on forever,

Here and hereafter,

My steadfast friend.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Filled To Overflowing

People always talk about

A cup half full

A cup half empty

 I’m too busy dealing with

A cup that’s filled to overflowing.

Hefty measures

Great and small

That weigh into the overall

Decisions to be battered round,

Which direction to be going.

Tossed into the everyday,

The mix and mesh is simple play

And I can deal and get away

Without the devil even knowing.

Too content with happiness,

So intent, a simple guest,

Always looking for the best

My soul just keeps on growing.


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

New Beginnings

Fortune rises from the depths where

Darkness once caressed my soul,

Lifted out from marbled crypt to

Fly on wings of feathered light

With hope rekindled,

Faith renewed

I seek horizons in the distance.

Forests fall as roads unfold to

Wind their way in new directions.


No longer shall the demons haunt

Nor slackers taunt to block my view.

Blessed to know the up-ahead

Holds no resemblance to the past.

Striding bold into the sunset

Where tomorrow is today.

Every day a new beginning

Offered on a silver tray.


Monday, April 15, 2024

Are You Happy?

Do you wake up every morning

Looking forward to the day?

Are you happy?

Does the smell of coffee brewing

Put a faint and hopeful grin upon your face?

Are the dreams that you dreamed yesterday

Still living in your heart

Like a sweet desire that cannot be replaced?


There are questions to be answered

And tasks to be completed in the offing.

Priorities to order

And people to be greeted on the way.

But this grownup world you’re living in

Shouldn’t kill the child who dwells within your body,

And you owe it to yourself to always

Set aside some time to simply play.


So I ask again, quite honestly.

It’s a simple question,


Are you happy?


Sunday, April 14, 2024


Can’t see it,

But I know when it’s there,

Know when it’s being denied to my lungs.

Can’t taste it,

Though some may insist that they

Know it exists at the tip of their tongue.

Can’t feel it

Except for the breeze as it

Brushes my cheek with a warmth or a chill.

Can’t keep it.

Must give it back once its sustenance ends

And its mission fulfills.


Blessed giver…

     Warden of life…

          Imperceptible stream.

Though I’ve never seen you,

     I know you are there

          Upholding my dream.


Saturday, April 13, 2024


Mama always taught me that

There’s good in everyone,

That I should seek the positive

And overlook the rest.


Must admit, sometimes you have to

Look real deep to find it.

Some people give the microscope

A grueling, daunting test.


But if you seek, and seek you must,

And dwell on positives,

You just might find that

Life’s more kind

As you ponder your quest.


Is it worth the effort

To seek people at their best?

I believe that it’s the key

To life’s true happiness.


Friday, April 12, 2024

Sometimes Wonder

Sometimes wonder

     As I wander aimlessly

          From think to thought,

Picking pieces

     Of the puzzle

          Looking for the perfect fit.

Does it matter

     If the meter runs completely

          Down to naught?


     Consequently run the

          Entire alphabet.

Tiresome to be contemplating,

     Worried what

          The world might see.

Wholesome to be

     Born in wisdom,

          Knowing what will be will be.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

Fantasy / Ecstasy

Feathery fingers gently touching

Soft on alabaster skin,

Titillating tender ripples

Up and down a supple spine.


Sweet caress along each breast,

Lightly touching,

Moving on

Fill your sensuous universe,

Quench the thirst of your desire.


Passion building… ever building

Til you reach your pleasure peak,

Raise you to the summit of

Euphoria and back again.


Only then I think of self,

Only give til you are sated

Knowing you will grant ten-fold

When I become recipient.


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

New Day

A new day

     New time

          New era dawning,

New plans and challenges

     Seem to abound.


Old friends estrange

     As priorities change

While lives rearrange and

     New friendships are found.


New blazed directions

     Discover affections

          So many selections

To batter about.


And I in my wisdom

     Will brave criticism

To choose from among them

          And count them all down.


Forward projecting,

     Backward protecting,

          Ever correcting to

               Sight and to sound.


Laughing and weeping,

     Time crawling or creeping,

          Constantly keeping

               My feet on the ground.


Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Silly Giggles

Nostalgic for the good old days

Of life’s simplistic interludes,

When dreams were fresh as lavender

As sunlight burns the morning dew.


Silly giggles way back then

Were all the sport we ever sought,

No responsibilities could

Trump the task of levity.


And weren’t we happy with our lot?

Time and trial our last concerns.

Foresight was for other fools

To dole and dither fitfully.


Sad to lose the youthful verve

That spawned so many memories, but

Time can be a spiteful mistress

If allowed to have her way.


Now in twilight do I find

The subtle nuance of her gift.

The looking back rekindles joy that

Silly giggles gave us then.