Saturday, March 09, 2019

Ubiquitous Omnipresence

There are powers we don't understand;
Ever-present, yet unseen by man.
Not of air or sea or even land,
Reaching out to all its healing hand.
When the tides roll in and the mountains quake,
And the page of time makes the dawn awake,
Daylight leaves a smile lying in its wake;
There for those who choose to participate.

All the powers held by the universe
Speak to any willing to converse.
Whether be for better or for worse;
Whether forward moving or reverse.
Ubiquitous in its effect;
Much too subtle to detect.
Omnipresent and erect,
Meant to comfort and protect.

There's a presence, quiet and strong,
One to which we all belong.
The difference between right and wrong,
Our ever-present praise in song.

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