Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Friends Will Understand

Some may judge and
Think you soft when tears
Become an alibi.
They cannot know, can’t comprehend
The storms that torment deep inside,
The razor wire that pricks and bleeds
Until resolve is washed away,
Where stillness mocks to terrorize
And leaves no harborage to hide. 

But softness holds no part of shame
When hearts are ripped and
Torn to shreds,
When loss is real and
Karma steals all reason of reality.
These wells are deep and
Filled with demons
Void of hope and sweet redemption,
Praying for extended hands
Straining to bear empathy. 

Each day a struggle to survive
On limbs of rubber, feet of sand.
Strangers mock and taunt and tease, but
Friends, true friends, will understand.

Lulu Storefront:

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