Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Horse

The smooth sleek contours. The sinewy lines.

Cantering, trotting, running full force.

Is there a more glorious sight to behold

Than god's perfect creature... The horse.


His lineage is long, his heritage proud...

His empire the envy of sultan and king.

His prowess immortal in fable and song,

Who's figure we stride as we grab for the ring.


He was there when the wagons pulled out east to west.

He was there when Geronimo fought for his land.

He was there when the settlers broke the new earth

From the high plains and mountains to the Rio Grande.


Wherever there are monuments to mankind's victory

We never seem to stray too far off course.

The building blocks of history recording man's ascent

Have ridden on the shoulders of the horse.

   Lulu Storefront:

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