Monday, November 16, 2020

Pistols, Slingshots and Mason Jar Lids

A carved out pistol of pliable pine

Tucked away neatly in the belt

Made me the toughest hombre in town,

King of the hill, the fastest draw,

Cop to their robbers, hop-along kid,

Equal to whatever hand might be dealt,

Eager to challenge the forces of evil,

Ready with lightning to face one and all.


Sturdy piece cut from the fork of a sapling,

Strips of old inner tube tied to each end,

Tin cans and bottles lined up on a boulder

To practice an art form as old as dirt.

Pebbles fly with the speed of a rocket.

Bottles smash and tin cans bend

As mother admonishes, ranting and scolding,

Wildly afraid that someone may get hurt.


Pilfered ring from a Mason jar lid,

And fifty three tons of imagination,

I've license to drive, spinning wheels, popping gears,

Changing course and direction but never speed.

I become Richard Petty, or Bobby or Cale,

The winner's circle my one destination.

Not looking back as I race the wide oval,

Desperately trying to stay in the lead.


Life is so simple with youth as companion.

Imagination is all that you need.

   Lulu Storefront:

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