Friday, June 16, 2023

Doctor Says

Doctor says, "Diagnosis looking grim."

Doctor says, "Hope for survival very slim."

Doctor tries not to go out on a limb,

But there's something; something I'm not telling him.

When survival is dependent on mere hope

And physicians have begun to grasp and grope,

There is one thing, short of tying noose in rope,

That can save you, that can help you deal and cope.

It's faith. Faith in something; anything;

In god, or you, or someone else

On which your hope can cling.

Faith in someone from your past who's worth remembering;

In longing for tomorrow, to see what it may bring.

Many are the souls whose faith

Has brought them from the brink.

When mired waste deep in sinking sand

They just refused to sink.

They found a someone deep inside,

Someone they never knew,

Who brought them hope to save themselves

And start their lives anew.


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