Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Let's Be Honest

With all the back biting going on

It was hard to declare a decisive winner,

Like needles and darts thrown 'cross a room,

A Friar’s roast, or a Toastmaster's dinner.


Impossible to distinguish the truth

From the lies and deceits being bantered about.

One can only hope your detectors are functioning,

Sniffing the air 'til the truth finds you out.


Pity the openness lost in your youth

Can't carry its' weight as the years pass you by.

Suffer its' loss with the loss of innocence

Grown to a beast as you covet your pride.


Can you imagine a World without lies?

A World without people you'll more likely see.

Let's be honest... To ourselves and each other;

Leaping the mass of humanity.


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