Saturday, November 19, 2011

Music, Food, Wine and Sunshine

Don’t need much to make me happy,
Just music, food, wine and sunshine.

Music from within, without,
In my ear or in my mind,
Floods my thoughts,
Feeds my soul,
Fills my day with warm delights.

Food to fill my basic needs,
To tempt the pallet,
Curb the craving.
Feasting follies filled with flavor
In my nose and
On my tongue.

Wine to stimulate my senses
Breaking soft upon my lips,
Help me gently to remember,
Bid me fondly to forget.

Sunshine chase away my demons,
Spread your light upon my brow.
Show me all my wondrous blessings,
Give me hope so I may dream.

Lulu Storefront:

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