Saturday, December 30, 2017


I have an underlying passion for food.
Just look at my waistline;
It tells a tale
Of wicked obsession with
Oral delights tickling taste buds
To snap to attention.
Marvelous scents tease
Olfactory senses,
Begging, pleading,
Wanting for more.
Baked or broiled, fried or filleted,
Toasted or tossed to a turn,
Not to mention
I'm never left out when
They offer up seconds,
Or met a desert I didn't enjoy;
Obsessed with a fire raging out of control
Which no flood of water can possibly douse.
If this trend continues unchecked and unaltered
With no end in sight, no method employed to
Cure the beast that rages inside me,
I'm sure that I'll soon be
The size of a house.

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