Sunday, June 16, 2019

One Loose Shingle

A neighbor pointed it out to me
One evening as I opened up my gate
After toiling through
Another day of drudgery,
Hoping for an easy evening
Lounging in my rocking chair,
Drifting off to sleep before
The late night news report.

The evening breeze stirred just enough
To verify the neighbor's tale
And, looking up beyond the dove
Who settled on the gutter rail,
A single shingle waived and fluttered,
Even struggled to be free.
Teasing, daring, taunting me
To climb the mast and lash her sails.
Perhaps the breeze will settle down.
Predicted rains may pass us by.
Perhaps the fluttering will cease and
Settle without help from me.

Perhaps I'll be a millionaire,
Can hire a crew to do my chore
So I can lounge and rock and sleep...
So much for reality.

Lulu Storefront:

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Edward Lewis said...
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