Sunday, July 19, 2020

Until It All Goes Away

Youth can be fickle to fritter away
All that infinite energy
Wasted on play.
Trashed and tired at the end of the day
To sleep without worries or cares.

Pity that time comes to shatter fond dreams,
To realize life’s
Not at all as it seems,
Filled with toil, stress and struggles
To disconnect schemes with
Recurrence that hardly seems fair.

Now, as I grow older, I seldom regret
All the blather and bother,
The fuss and the fret that
Once gave me to fury
When viewed as a threat and
Suffered this fool at his play.
I breathe a deep sigh,
Meet the foe eye to eye,
Find the calm and compassion that’s
Always nearby.
Let the madness dissolve
To a crystalline sky.
Mulling softly
Til it all goes away.

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