Friday, March 03, 2023

Break Dancing! What the hell was that all about?

Phases, fads, forgotten fashions

Come and go, unbridled passions

Stealing through into the night,

Swirling whirlwinds in their flight.


Frisbees, yo-yos, hula hoops,

Derby hats and spats... Zuit-suits

And boogie-boards to cruise the waves,

All the hep-cats were the rave.


It was not so long ago

Break dancing was the latest craze.

Twisting, spinning, topsy-turvy,

How they would amaze the

Sedentary like myself

Who watch in awe from an easy chair,

Wondering how the hell can they do

What they're doing there?

Better yet, I wondered "why"?

What scheme? What aim? What plan?

The answer is a simple one.

They do it 'cause they can.


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