Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Drag Queens, Tambourines and Mom's Apple Pie

Ching-chinga-ching-ching, ching-chinga-ching.

Tambourine pounds rhythmically to palm and thigh.

Cheerful, laughing emanations wafting through the air,

Almost as American as mom's apple pie.

Folksy music of a note simplistic in its view,

Dressed in Levis, flannel shirt, bare feet and fishing pole.

"Hardly" understanding or tolerant of any who oppose

What was once her noble sentiments and goals.


The drag queen bursts upon the scene

With fashion and with flare,

Traveling a vast uncharted sea.

Being what he has to be and

Answering the dare,

Taking up the challenges

To set his spirit free.


Tambourines pound chinga-ching,

And folk songs fill the air,

Waving flags and ragging "fags"

With righteous indignation.

Commentary saddened through

A lack of understanding.

Sad obituary to a closed imagination.

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