Sunday, May 21, 2023

Fame and Glory, Glory and Fame

Do we reach for fame and glory

As our fateful star ascends?

Or does it come to seek us out?

A silent secret friend.

For some it's made of perspiration

Born of honest work,

Talent and ability,

Duty never shirked.

Lengthy in it's coming,

It lingers but a while.

Its sweetness is uncommon

Like the flavor of a smile.

But fame and glory climbing

Out of notoriety

Isn't quite the same,

And not what it's cracked up to be.

In a flash it comes and goes

Like lightning in a storm,

Leaving only empty feelings

Without shape or form.

As we struggle for the spotlight

So all will know our name,

Few will know the joy of glory

Or the price of fame.

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